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Toree mcQueen

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Work Better

How to Create Your Journey, Learning from But Not Replicating Others.

December 11, 2023

Navigate the noise, embrace what fits, and craft your unique journey.

I'm toree!

I’m a forever student to mom-ing and business, an optimistic solution finder, a passionate do-er, an adventurous foodie, a wine not-so aficionado, a local coffee shop trespasser, experience and real estate junkie, and a wannabe globe trotter, just curious about hearing more stories from strangers.


Ever felt overwhelmed by unrealistic expectations or conflicting advice? In a world brimming with opinions and standards, finding your unique path can feel like a daunting task. Yet, there’s a way to navigate this maze without losing sight of your goals and authenticity. It took me a while to grasp this truth. I absorbed numerous strong opinions and whispers for far too long before realizing that focusing on paving my own way was paramount. It’s fascinating how we must unlearn things deeply etched into our hearts. Here are some key points to consider if you’re experiencing a similar journey:

Step 1: Discover Your Core Values

Take a moment to identify what truly matters to you. What ignites a spark within? What’s the dream that keeps you going? These elements are guiding lights leading you toward your version of success.

Step 2: Discerning Amidst the Noise

Similar to decluttering a space, sift through advice and standards. Not all will resonate with your essence or goals—acknowledge them but keep your focus forward.

Step 3: Embracing Valuable Insights

Amongst the multitude of opinions, there are valuable insights that align with your path. Recognize and hold onto these—they serve as your compass through the uncertainties.

Step 4: Celebrate Your Uniqueness

You’re distinctive, akin to a rare gem. Embrace that! Your individuality distinguishes your journey from others’. Let your uniqueness shine; it’s what sets you apart.

Step 5: Create, Learn, Adapt

Now, construct your path! Utilize the wisdom you’ve gathered to lay your foundation. Remember, it’s not fixed. Learn, adapt, refine—this journey is an ever-evolving canvas.

Your Journey, Your Symphony

Life offers a myriad of experiences, some intense, some subtle. But the melody you dance to? That’s yours alone. Embrace the chaos, navigate the cacophony, and dance to your unique rhythm. Your journey? It’s a composition only you can orchestrate.

Need More?

If you’re a realtor looking for more tips and resources to boost your personal and professional growth journey, follow us at Work Better Agents. You can Become a Referral Partner and have access to events, strategies, tools, and guidance that can make a difference in your real estate career and household.

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I'm Toree, your
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I’m a forever student to mom-ing and business, an optimistic solution finder, a passionate do-er, an adventurous foodie, a wine not-so aficionado, a local coffee shop trespasser, experience and real estate junkie, and a wannabe globe trotter, just curious about hearing more stories from strangers.

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A Realtor, Entrepreneur, Serial Just Do-er, Podcaster, Mother to 5 and a bold dreamer always on a mission to turn nothin’ into somethin’! 


Toree McQueen



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